3 Signs Your Company Website Is In Need Of A Makeover

Halloween is about a week and a half away! Remember that once the trick-or-treating is done, holiday music will start filling the malls. Of course, shoppers will do the same in order to locate their highly sought-after holiday gifts.

Let it be known, however, that shopping malls aren’t the only places people go to do their holiday shopping. This is the time of year when online sales go through the roof! Is your company taking advantage of the popularity of online shopping? To do so, you’ll need to make sure your company website is attractive and engaging.

Here are three signs your company website is in need of a makeover:

1. Your homepage is outdated.

Naturally, your company website’s homepage is the first thing visitors see. So what does it say about your business? If the text, photos and images haven’t been changed in years, your homepage is saying “Nothing much has changed about our business”. However, if it contains new information about products, services, events and even includes season-specific holiday imagery, it’s saying “We’re keeping very busy, come and check us out!”

“Gone are the days when word of mouth or fifty years of business guarantees new customers,” insists Kevin Hamstra of 1Eighty Digital, “A simple online search for your café menu or comparing options on products you sell is often the first point of customer contact. Nothing screams ‘behind the times’ like a stale or slow website design.  If your site is out-of-date what does that say about your business?” 

2. Your site doesn’t host any videos.

Is there a medium less intriguing than videos? You’d be hard pressed to locate a popular social media platform (read: Instagram, X and Facebook) that doesn’t play host to a wide variety of videos. Your company website should be just as intriguing. Create a product video and make it playable on your homepage.

“According to stats, video viewers are anywhere from 64-85% more likely to buy after watching a product video,” informs Reshu Rathi on JeffBullas.com, “For those who can afford it, it’s an easy way to improve conversions. And for those who can’t afford it for every product, they can at least create it for their top selling products, expensive products, as well as, products with higher revenue margins.”

3. You haven’t introduced any new products or services in ages.

You can’t introduce new products and services without updating your company website to inform the public. Neglecting your site in this way is a huge mistake. Information about your latest offerings should be among the first things visitors see when they log on to your site.

As Hamstra points out, “potential customers may be searching for something you offer but if it’s not on your website they often quickly move on to a competitor. Make sure you are providing correct and relevant information.”

Is your company website ready for the holiday shopping season?

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884. You can also send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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