3 Tips For Making Your Online Store A Top Holiday Shopping Destination

Welcome to the first of November! If you’re a retail store owner, you are very well aware of the significance of today’s date. The holiday shopping season is officially underway! Naturally, as part of every annual holiday celebration, there is a lot of gift-giving involved. For most holiday shoppers, the internet makes up their go-to gift shopping destination. Do you sell your products online? What steps are you taking to lure holiday shoppers to your e-commerce site?

Here are three tips for making your online store a top holiday shopping destination:

1. Design a holiday gift guide.

Many holiday shoppers have no idea what they’re looking for. When you create gift guides, it helps many an unsure consumer with the shopping process. Create categories in your online store. They can be as simple as “For Dad” or “For Mom”. Alternatively, you can specify items that are “For Sports Lovers” or “For Movie Buffs”. The categories of your gift guide will help to make shopping experiences in your e-shop a lot more seamless and stress-free.

“The holiday season can be mentally taxing for some shoppers, struggling to find the right gift for an array of people on their list,” writes Reed Hartman on BigCommerce.com, “Reduce their feeling of overwhelm by curating a series of holiday guides, featuring your products.”

2. Create a seamless mobile experience.

If you want to significantly increase your company’s online sales, it’s imperative that your online store is easy to access and navigate on a smartphone. A large portion of online sales are made through mobile devices. Just how mobile friendly is your online store? Pull out your phone, visit your site and sift through it. Be sure to make note of any issues and make changes with your web developer immediately.

“A study by Statista shows that by 2024, the expenditure on mobile advertising is predicted to reach approximately $399.6 billion,” informs Outgrow.co, “By ensuring your website is mobile-friendly, you can tap into this significant market segment and enhance your chances of converting visitors into customers. Not only is mobile-friendliness important for users, but it also plays a role in search engine optimization.”

3. Display a discount countdown.

Picture it. An online shopper visits your online store and sees an “Only Two Hours Left” notification on the homepage. Clearly visible is a countdown clock that is ticking the seconds away. Within that time, your online store makes clear that shoppers can take 25% off all purchases that are $75 or more. As you can imagine, this will help to create senses of urgency that will encourage greater sales.

“Countdown timers trigger FOMO (fear of missing out) feelings among consumers,” says Hartman, “Also, they build up a sense of scarcity, forcing our brain to want the fleeing thing before it’s gone. Researchers found that a feeling of scarcity makes us auto-rate in-demand products as more attractive. And we rate luxury products more favourably if they are scarce due to limited supply.”

Is your company website ready for the holiday shopping season?

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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