If you’re an entrepreneur who is constantly on-the-go, you know that just about any time is a good time to take advantage of a business opportunity. For example, you could be at the airport awaiting a flight. In such an instance, most people would consider themselves to simply be in “travel mode”. You know, however, that you are still at work.
In all likelihood, you’ve connected to the airport’s Wi-Fi, turned on your laptop and started sending emails to colleagues and clients. As well, you’re aware that, at any moment, you may meet someone who may help you to take your business to the next level. Of course, this all depends on the type of business you own and the type of work you do. No matter what, however, it’s always wise to be ready for your next sale while on the road.
Here are three ways to be a productive entrepreneur while on the road:
1. Take advantage of airline loyalty programs.
If you do a lot of flying, you’re likely a member of an airline loyalty program already. This only makes sense considering the amount of time you spend at airports and on airplanes. You’re likely the type of person who needs a comfortable and quiet place to work since you’re not regularly in your office. An airline loyalty program can offer that to you.
“If you’re traveling regionally or to the same destination frequently, airline loyalty programs may come in handy,” notes Spencer Smith of Pipedrive, “Consider the value of working from the airport and weigh up the value of choosing an airline that includes the use of a free hospitality lounge. You’ll save money on food and beverages – and you can punch out some of your irritating admin work in peace with decent wi-fi and a comfortable environment.”
2. Stay in touch with loved ones.
While this act doesn’t directly lead to sales, it’s a necessary part of being a busy entrepreneur. Never forget why you work so hard. Your family and friends need to hear from you and you need to hear from them. Just as importantly, it’s wise to not work all around the clock. You’re human and you need breaks. Rejuvenate yourself with regular check-ins at home.
“If you have a family or a loved one back at home – try and talk to them every day, even if it’s just for a short period,” advises Smith, “Even if you just check in with a different friend when your work day is done, you’ll find it easier to maintain a connection to home and reinvigorate yourself to avoid prolonged bouts of isolation.”
3. Process sales using Converge.
Converge is both a secure mobile solution and full-service payment provider. With this amazing feature, you can accept payments without boundaries and add incremental value to your business. Converge’s mobile POS system is a secure, complete payment solution that transforms your mobile devices into terminals. With a smartphone, tablet or laptop computer, you can accept credit card and debit cards payments quickly and securely anywhere, at any time!
For more information about Converge, please don’t hesitate to call Divvia at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!