How E-Commerce Transitions Your Brand Into A Round-The-Clock Business

The location of your place of business usually determines the type of customers who will support it. Naturally, the people who live closest to your brick-and-mortar store location are the most likely to become its most loyal customers. However, there is a way to vastly change both the size and the makeup of your customer base. Once you allow your customers to make purchases directly from your website, you effectively turn your business into a 24/7/365 operation.

With an e-commerce solution, you don’t have to worry about traditional business hours limiting you from boosting your sales numbers. You also automatically expand your reach to consumers across the globe. With the love for online shopping growing by the minute, you can bet that if your company website doubles as an online store, you will receive numerous opportunities to increase revenue. This is especially true during the holiday season!

E-commerce opens your doors to consumers all over the world.

While a physical store might close its doors at night, an online store thrives non-stop. This continuous availability significantly boosts sales potential. It capitalizes on consumer behaviour that extends beyond the typical working day. Whether it’s a midnight impulse purchase or an early morning shopping spree, an e-commerce solution keeps the revenue flowing around the clock.

As mentioned, e-commerce also opens doors to consumers all across the world. Turning your company website into an online store enables you to sell products to a global audience.

“Your customers might be shopping in New Zealand while your American buyers might be sleeping, and that’s the joy of being open 24/7 – you serve everyone all the time,” says Dorit Sasson of HuffPost, “Your online customer service can work around the clock which can substantially increase your profitability especially at peak seasons.”

Consider the convenience you provide your customers.

Why do you think they call those 24/7 corner shops “convenience stores”? Yes, they carry just about every little necessity one may need in the middle of the night. But the mere fact that they’re open all the time – serving the community at its convenience – makes them welcome additions to just about any plaza or neighbourhood strip mall.

When your company allows its customers to make purchases from its website, it provides an immeasurable convenience. A person can make the decision to buy from you while wearing pyjamas at three in the morning. In some cases, this is the most ideal time to shop because of unconventional work shifts. Just ask any nurse or doctor who works “graveyard”.

“Online stores don’t close at 5pm,” writes Pawel Grabowski on, “Ecommerce sites stay open 24 hours a day, allowing customers to view and purchase products at a time that’s right for them. When selling online, you can also serve those customers who simply can’t make it to your store during opening hours.”

Start selling your products online today!

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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