Dispelling The Myth That Gift Cards Make Bad Presents

There is a silly notion that has been going around for many years. It’s the crazy idea that gift cards make poor gift choices. “Gift cards can get a bit of a bad rap,” writes The Kit for The Toronto Star, “Some say they display a lack of imagination on the gifter’s part; others point to the masses of gifting money left unspent on forgotten cards.” These sentiments couldn’t be further from the truth!

People actually love getting gift cards. They scream “Here! Get whatever you like!” Who doesn’t enjoy the opportunity to go on a mini-shopping spree in order to get something they truly want?

Gift cards help to avoid bad purchases.

Gift-givers are thoughtful people. No matter what a person buys as a gift for a loved one, it’s a sweet gesture. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that gift-givers know what they’re doing. Many gift-buying consumers do their shopping last minute. They hastily grab something off the shelf before the stores close in hopes that their choices will suffice. A gift card ensures that a person doesn’t just settle for any old thing he or she can wrap up.

“Get a gift card to a favourite store or restaurant to show that you’ve put some thought into it,” advises Miranda Marquit on Moneyning.com, “Gift cards are perfect because they combine the flexibility of cash with the personalization that comes with a specific store. You can be thoughtful and offer a flexible gift at the same time.”

Recipients avoid pretending they like bad gifts.

Let’s be honest. We’ve all received gifts we don’t like. The wrong style, the wrong colour, the wrong size – there is a litany of reasons why the presents you get aren’t always up to snuff. With a gift card, you never have to worry about getting something you wouldn’t get for yourself. The beauty of gift cards is that they eliminate the possibility of giving or receiving a bad gift.

Sophie Dweck of Town & Country Magazine quotes etiquette expert, Myka Meier who points out that gift certificates are perfectly acceptable presents in today’s world. “Ten years ago it wasn’t so much, but now it’s very commonplace,” she says.

Gift cards provide great flexibility.

Gift cards are great gifts because they represent a myriad of different gift choices. Gift cards don’t limit their recipients to any one product. They offer people the ability to choose from a wide variety of options in a particular store.

“Gift cards are flexible for the recipient, allowing him or her to choose what to buy,” affirms Marquit, “It takes away some of the anxiety associated with finding just the right gift. Who doesn’t like the freedom to get what they REALLY want? It’s a perfect way to provide a flexible gift that anyone can enjoy.”

Gift cards can be sent electronically!

At Divvia, we can help you make things easy on your customers. Start offering electronic gift cards! These great digital gifts have a long history of inspiring repeat business, attracting new customers and boosting sales all year long. To learn all about how you can begin selling e-gift cards to your customers, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page.

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