How To Enjoy A Surge In Gift Cards This Month

Christmas is officially three weeks away! You know what that means. Gift shoppers are currently on the hunt for the best possible deals for the most ideal gifts for their loved ones. Among the most popular gifts, each and every holiday season, is – you guessed it – gift cards! Both shoppers and recipients love them. Making gift cards accessible and easy to find is the first step to ensuring you enjoy a surge in gift card sales this month.

Set up a gift card display at your store’s entrance.

What is the most important step to boosting your gift card sales? Ensure that every single person who enters your store sees your gift cards right away! Clearly, the best way to do that is to set up a vibrant gift card display right at your store’s entrance. In many cases, you may find people walking in, grabbing one and heading straight to your cashiers. Be sure to have another display set up at the registers.

“It goes without saying that you won’t sell gift cards if they’re hard to find,” says, “If you have physical cards on display, make sure they’re near the register. It’s a good idea for security purposes anyway — they’re usually small packages — but even moreso they may prompt the harried holiday shopper to remember that one remaining relative or friend who still needs a gift.”

Promote your gift cards as problem solvers.

Gift cards allow their recipients to buy whatever they want. That is, of course, if it’s within the amount the gift card is worth. By offering a loved one a gift card as a present, a gift-giver eliminates the worry about whether or not the gift will be enjoyed. A gift card from a clothing retailer, for example, takes care of the “getting the right size, style and colour” problem.

Gift cards make life easy for both shoppers and recipients. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that people don’t like getting gift cards as gifts. As reported by Tatiana Walk-Morris on, a National Retail Federation (NRF) report found that when it comes to items consumers seek the most, 59% want gift cards. They were followed by 52% who want clothing and accessories and 35% who seek entertainment gifts like books, movies, music and video games.

Put out a social media blast.

These days, you’re not likely to come across a list of business tips without seeing something about social media. In today’s world, it’s a must that your brand has a strong online presence. Post pictures of your gift cards on your social media accounts, alerting all of your followers that you have them for sale.

“The great thing about Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, is that you can do more than just tell your customers about gift cards,” reminds us, “You can show them. Post a photo of one of your nice designs. Post a photo of a card next to an item, with the caption, ‘not sure which size? Get them a gift card’.”

Offer gift cards the digital way.

These days, both purchasing and redeeming gift cards is easier than ever. It can all be done online! Please don’t hesitate to contact Divvia to learn all about how you can begin offering electronic gift cards to your customers. Call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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