The Benefits Of Turning Your Smartphone Into A Payment Terminal

Most of use our smartphones for just about everything, don’t we? We conduct online banking, stream our favourite music, watch videos, take photographs, scan through our social media accounts and every so often, even make phone calls. As a small business owner, you can also use your smartphone to accept credit card and debit card payments. With the secure mobile payments solution from Divvia, you can turn your smartphone into a mobile POS terminal!

It’s known as Converge. The payment gateway includes extensive reporting and the flexibility to adapt your payment solution as your business grows. Converge’s mobile POS system is a secure, complete payment solution that transforms all mobile devices into terminals. In addition to your smartphone, your tablet can be turned into a payment processor, enabling you to accept payments anywhere!

Mobile payments offer customers a huge convenience.

By taking away the necessity to visit your brick and mortar store location in person, you offer your customers a major convenience. You can accept payments at trade shows, festivals, concerts, tournaments and just about anywhere else your customers may be. As John Rampton points out on, the biggest advantage of accepting mobile payments is that it simply makes it easier for your customers to pay you.

“Instead of having customers pull out their credit cards, cash, or write out a cheque, mobile payments support contactless payments via their smartphones,” he writes, “This not only speeds up the checkout process, it also gives you the chance to engage with your customers throughout the entire customer journey.”

Mobile payments help to reduce your expenses.

While wireless payment terminals are excellent ways to accept payments on the go, a mobile payment option enables you to reduce your expenses. Without having to pay for any additional hardware, your business can secure credit card and debit card payments in remote locations. Of course, the savings significantly help your company’s bottom line.

“Mobile payments eliminate the need for you to purchase expensive point of sale equipment by simply converting your mobile device by using a card reader or app,” affirms Rampton, “It also reduces the cost of paper and ink since you can email or text receipts to your customers instead of printing out paper receipts.”

Mobile payments improve your cash flow.

Just like any other business owner, you surely consider it preferable to receive your money immediately. With cash payments, you have to take trips to the bank in order to make deposits. With credit card and debit card payments, the funds enter your account automatically. This helps your company’s cash flow. Any expenses needed to help run the business can be accessed quickly. A mobile payment option ensures a good cash flow as you can accept payments anywhere you go.

“Mobile payments can increase your cash flow in a couple of ways,” Rampton points out, “For starters, customers prefer to pay with their credit or debit cards over methods like cash. Also, most mobile payment processors transfer funds to a business account in under three days.”

To begin to experience the benefits of turning your smartphone into a payment terminal, please don’t hesitate to call Divvia at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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