The Joys Of Operating Your Business From Wherever You Like

In 2024, running a business looks far different than it did even ten years ago. Needless to say, the internet has changed everything. Take this very blog, for example. It wasn’t that long ago when small businesses relied strictly on traditional advertising techniques like flyers, print ads and radio spots. Today, content marketing is huge.

With each and every blog we post, Divvia raises its online prestige. Adding fresh new content to our website on a regular basis enables it to rank higher in search engines. Advertising methods aren’t the only things that have changed. Advances in technology also allow business owners to run their businesses from various locations all throughout the world.

Operate your business from remote locations.

Today, you can be in a hotel room and perform your job just as you would within the four walls that make up your office. With VoIP technology, a business owner can use his/her business phone number to connect with clients and colleagues on a mobile device from anywhere in the world.

On, Jeff Rose highlights just how much modern technology has helped to revolutionize the way he conducts business. “If I were trying to run a business ten years ago, there is no way I could accomplish as much as I do today,” he reveals, “Thanks to technology, I can stay in touch with my team with Slack, use Dropbox to share client files, use Zoom for conference calls, use DocuSign when signatures are needed, and use BombBomb to record video and sync it with our inboxes for easy messaging.”

Hire from a global-wide selection of candidates.

Not only can modern technology allow you to perform a number of your business tasks from anywhere in the world, it can enable you to hire staff members for your business from anywhere in the world. This is a huge plus when trying to attract the most talented individuals possible for the positions that may be available in your company.

According to John Rampton on, “a Harvard Business Review research study found that 87% of remote workers feel they are still connected to their employers through video conferencing while 68% of millennial workers surveyed said they are more interested in employers that offer remote work positions.” Evidently, remote work is only growing in popularity.

Accept payments while on the go!

With Divvia’s Virtual Terminals, you can turn any web-enabled PC into a cost-effective payment terminal. With Converge, your computer becomes a virtual payment terminal, requiring minimal investment and effort. It supports various payment methods, including credit and debit cards, electronic checks, and gift cards. Whether you process transactions face-to-face, through mail/telephone orders, or online, Converge has you covered.

It also simplifies recurring and installment payments. By using Converge, you can reduce risk, comply with industry security standards and safeguard your financial data. It caters to businesses of all sizes and sectors, offering online account information and comprehensive reporting tools to streamline your payment processing operations.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page.

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