Turning Your Online Shop Into A Go-To Destination This Fall

As of this coming Saturday, the fall season will officially be here! For many retailers across Canada, the start of fall means the fall of sales. But it doesn’t have to. Consider the fact that the holiday season will fast be approaching. (We know, the summer isn’t even done yet and we’re talking about the holidays!) So, there will be many opportunities for you to boost sales.

This is especially true if you operate an online shop. Never forget how popular online shopping is. The impending colder weather will be keeping more people at home, giving them more opportunities to shop online. That means it’s up to you to find ways to boost sales in your online shop this fall.

Offer free shipping options.

Many Canadian shoppers begin their holiday shopping as early as October. Some may have even started already! You better believe that early holiday shoppers are also bargain hunters. Any website offering free shipping on purchases over certain dollar amounts are sure to attract such savvy buyers. On MyWifeQuitHerJob.com, Steve Chou recommends you set a free shipping threshold to encourage larger transactions.

“By setting a threshold with which the savings start to kick in, customers are encouraged to buy more than they were planning to buy,” he explains, “Try and set this free shipping or discount threshold at a price that is a small percentage (15-20%) over your current average order size and see what happens.”

Update the imagery with holiday-themed graphics.

As mentioned, the holidays will approach quicker than you think. Thanksgiving is less than a month away. Halloween will soon follow and then, of course, there is the end-of-year holiday season to consider. Be sure to update your online store with graphics that acknowledge each of the important holidays. It will make clear to your visitors that you have many great selections for gifts.

“Get your website visitors and email subscribers excited about the holiday season and the upcoming sales you’re launching by leveraging new, holiday-themed graphics in your email campaigns and website design,” advises William Harris on SellBrite.com, “To boost success, attach your new holiday-themed graphics to an actual holiday promotion or sales event that your customers, visitors, and subscribers can take advantage of.”

Cross sell your products.

Do you have some products that are slow movers? Why not bundle them with some of your more popular items? Do you sell items that work hand in hand with some others? Why not have their ideal pairings pop up whenever someone makes a purchase?

“Most of your customers will not take the time to browse your entire store,” explains Chou, “That is why you need to ‘browse’ the store for them by displaying related items alongside the ones that they are already purchasing. A quick and easy algorithm to implement on your shop is to simply display items that match items that other customers in the past have purchased with a particular product.”

Is your company website all set up with an online shop?

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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