Turning Your Online Shop Into A Top Summer Spot

Now that summer vacations are officially underway, many Canadians are pretty excited. Naturally, most of us enjoy the warm and sunny weather after many long months of chilly temperatures. Part of summer fun is being out and about with family and friends. Sometimes, “out and about” means going shopping! However, while malls are pretty packed, during the summer months, it doesn’t mean that you can’t turn your online shop into a top summer spot.

Come up with your own summer holiday.

We just celebrated Canada Day this past Monday. Civic Holiday will arrive during the first weekend in August. Many shops all over the worldwide web acknowledge holidays. Your online store should too, of course. Try to generate some new and unique ways to excite your target audience this summer. Why not create your own holiday to direct traffic to your site on a specific day?

“Create a holiday that is relevant either to your products, your target audience, or how your target audience uses your products,” suggests Strategy Driven Marketing, “Consider what sort of discounts you can offer to determine if you celebrate for a day, a weekend, or a full week. Create digital or actual signage that is persuasive and compelling enough to encourage immediate action from site or store visitors.”

Host a contest.

It doesn’t matter what time of year it is. A contest is always an attention-grabber. However, during the summertime, you need to pull out all the stops to grab attention. It’s a great idea to offer shoppers chances to win prizes. Who doesn’t love the opportunity to get free stuff? As Laura Dolan points out on Keap.com, launching an online contest can boost traffic engagement and conversion.

“Buzz of this magnitude can attract many consumers to your site,” she writes, “A contest can also provide businesses many new leads as well as generate more traffic. You can gather their email addresses by offering visitors a chance to win a big-ticket item or a bundle of your products simply by entering their contact information. It’s a great lead magnet. A simple contest can drive a $2 million quarterly revenue goal. That ought to make up for some lost time.”

Create new product bundles.

Everyone loves to save money and retailers love to sell their products. Marry these two loves by creating product bundles. By doing so, you can offer your goods at discount prices while also selling some slower-moving products with your top sellers. The savings you offer will encourage more online shoppers to follow through on completing their purchases.

“Many of today’s busy consumers struggle with making decisions, especially when they are shopping for someone other than themselves,” says Strategy Driving Marketing, “Put together a collection of related items or seasonal collections of products. Or, create buying guides that provide multiple collection options that site visitors might not have considered purchasing together.”

Is your company website all set up with an online shop?

If not, please don’t hesitate to contact Divvia to learn about our safe and secure e-commerce solution. It enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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