Why Divvia Is So Proud To Be Canadian

Shortly before Canada Day, we announced that we were changing the name of our company from Canadian POS to Divvia. Please make no mistake about it. We remain a very proud Canadian brand. Removing our national identity from our company name had nothing to do with wanting to conceal our Canadian-ness.

“Canada, of course, is a wonderful nation comprised of many different people,” we proclaimed in our announcement, “Our country’s two national languages, English and French, signify the type of diversity that Canada is often heralded for.” To reiterate, Divvia is a neutral and inclusive name that reflects our commitment to serving both English and French-speaking communities. Allow us to reflect upon why the Divvia team is so proud to be Canadian!

Canada is proudly multicultural.

We recognize that our neighbours south of the border pride themselves on their freedom. But, here in Canada, we are just as free…if not, more. It’s a top reason why so many people from all over the world come to Canada to make it their new home. All across our nation, you can find rich diversity. It’s especially noticeable in big cities like Toronto and Montreal, where Divvia has offices. The racial diversity of our country makes it such a beautiful place to live.

Our health care system provides us with longer lives.

No health care system is perfect. However, we’re pretty sure that the vast majority of Canadians are quite happy they don’t have to worry about big bills when visiting the doctor. Our health care system is revered around the world. And, according to statistics, it is helping our citizens to live longer!

As Nikita Brown reports on Bramptonist.com, “Canadians born today will live an average of three years longer than Americans (81 years in Canada versus 78.7 south of the border). Not only that, the gap between life expectancy in the two countries is widening with each passing decade – it was less than a year in the late 1970s.”

We are a bilingual nation.

It’s only right that we mention this again. Canada, in fact, is a multilingual nation. As we previously mentioned, our country’s rich diversity is something to be heralded. However, Canada has two official languages. We think it’s pretty cool to have both English and French combine as our nation’s official “tongue”.

Our country has produced many awesome inventors.

Bedford, Quebec-born Marcellus Gilmore Edson is credited with having officially invented peanut butter in 1884. He originally came up with the idea of making a peanut paste as a nutritious alternative for people who had trouble chewing solid food. Almonte, Ontario-born James Naismith famously invented basketball in 1891. Undeniably, the sport has grown into a worldwide phenomenon today. Let’s not forget that our Toronto Raptors became NBA Champions in 2019!

“We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin, zambonis, the telephone and short wave radios,” adds Brown, “You’re welcome world.”

Canada creates a multitude of talent.

You want laughs? How about watching a film starring Jim Carrey, Mike Myers, Ryan Reynolds or Seth Rogen? You want to dance? Simply bump some tunes by The Weeknd, Justin Bieber, Drake, Shawn Mendes, Alanis Morrissette, Celine Dion or Michael Bublé.

Let’s not even get started on sports! Try on Wayne Gretzky, Sidney Crosby, Hailey Wickenheiser, Steve Nash, Ferguson Jenkins, Donovan Bailey and the newest Home Run Derby Champion, Vladimir Guerrero Jr. on for size!

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