3 Ways Your Business Can Enjoy A Successful Canada Day Long Weekend

This forthcoming weekend, the entire nation will celebrate Canada Day. This year, our country’s birthday falls on a Monday. What do you have planned to celebrate the occasion? Just as important a question is what will you be doing to ensure that your business has a successful Canada Day long weekend?

While it may be a holiday for many, the upcoming weekend will provide you with many great opportunities to boost profits. It’s all about finding the right marketing strategy!

Here are three ways your business can enjoy a successful Canada Day long weekend:

1. Host a Canada Day event.

Just because you’re working, it doesn’t mean you can’t party! Why not throw a Canada Day party at your place of business and invite all of your customers? It will give you the always-valuable opportunity to meet your customers face-to-face and build better relationships with them. Not to mention, fun events are excellent ways of boosting your brand’s image.

“Think about hosting a fun community event or having your business sponsor one,” suggests Gail Balfour of Zensurance, “It’s an excellent opportunity to talk to folks when they are already in a good mood. In addition, it allows them to become more familiar with your brand and logo while simultaneously seeing the human face behind the business and getting to know you as a person.”

2. Run an online Canada Day contest.

There are few things that excite consumers more than opportunities to win prizes. With everyone in the country about to celebrate Canada Day, it’s the perfect time of year to invite Canadians to your website to express how proud they are of their nation. Select your favourite blurb or story and offer a worthwhile prize for the winner. On Wishpond.com, Carlo recommends adding a countdown timer to your website to prepare its visitors for the nation’s birthday.

“One thing I’d definitely recommend you add to your Canada Day contest page is a timer,” he writes, “Though you might be running your contest for Canada Day, it won’t necessarily end on July 1st. Adding a countdown timer helps page visitors become aware of the time they have left to your awesome contest, and putting it somewhere prominent like your hero section or in an opt-in bar (as in the example) is a great way to make sure they see it.”

3. Give away Canuck-based freebies.

Who doesn’t enjoy getting something for free? If you’ve never invested in promotional products for your business, it’s time to chew over this excellent marketing strategy. Consider some “Canadianized” giveaways such as beer mugs labelled with red maple leafs (and your company logo, of course). Or you could just keep it simple. After all, when it comes to gift-giving, it’s always the thought that counts.

“Think of offering small giveaways or draws to build your email marketing and follower list,” recommends Balfour.

No matter what you do to celebrate the Canada Day long weekend, be sure to make it easy for your customers to pay for their purchases with their credit and debit cards. At Divvia, we offer a wide variety of top-of-the-line payment terminals to help your company easily process credit card and debit card transactions. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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