4 Ways To Maximize Sales With Christmas Just One Month Away

Black Friday is here! But since it’s also November 24th, today’s date is significant for another reason. There is just about one month to go until Christmas gets here! Undoubtedly, there are many excited children all across Canada and the rest of the world. But, of course, to them, a month still feels like a lifetime.

To business owners, a month isn’t that long at all. It’s unquestionable that a heavy push towards growing your sales is a must in the four weeks to come.

Here are four ways to maximize sales with Christmas just one month away:

1. Offer one big bargain a day.

What can you do to separate your store from its competitors? Think about it. Nearly every retailer in Canada is likely holding a sale of some kind right now. It’s important to make your sales events stand out from the rest. Can you offer larger discounts? Can you bundle products together so that customers enjoy bigger savings?

On LiveAbout.com, Susan Ward recommends that you offer big discounts (30% or more) on some of your well-known items each day until Christmas gets here. In addition to offering a new sale each day, she stresses the need to offer worthwhile discounts. “Shoppers are used to being spoiled,” she believes, “So puny little 5, 10 or even 20 percent discounts aren’t going to cut it unless you do something like a 20% off storewide sale.”

2. Step up your social media marketing.

It’s likely that there will never come a time when the internet is obsolete. Then again, with the rapid-fast ways in which technology continues to advance, these days, you never know! For now, social media marketing is an especially integral part of a company’s growth. Reaching out to online friends and followers is a key way to inform members of your target audience that your store is a go-to destination for all holiday gift shopping needs.

“Social media — such as social networks and blogs — present another opportunity for advertisers,” writes Elizabeth Wasserman on Inc.com, “Keeping customers engaged about issues using a blog is one good marketing tool. Alerting them to last-minute sales via Twitter feeds might also be useful when it comes to the last few days of the holidays — and unlike so many other promotions, it won’t cost you anything.”

3. Make it so that eyes can’t turn away from your window display.

The tried-and-true practice of festive decorations is a must during the holiday season. But it’s important to make your window display more eye-catching than the others around it. Well-made Christmas-themed displays tend to stop people in their tracks.

“Incorporating your products into your display is great if you can manage it, but what’s nice about a Christmas window display is that you don’t have to,” says Ward, “A totally Christmas-themed display can work just as well. You just need something unique that’s going to catch the eye. Incorporating some kind of movement, such as a train circling a track, is a great way to draw a crowd.”

4. Be sure to highlight your payment options.

Holiday shoppers much prefer to be given payment options. Credit card and debit card use is especially popular during the holiday shopping season. At Divvia, we proudly offer many great payment terminals that allow Canadian merchants to accept both credit cards and debit cards. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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