Gift Cards Are A Last-Minute Shopper’s Dream Come True!

It’s official. As of today, Christmas is five days away! For kids all over Canada, the anticipation of Santa’s inevitable arrival is reaching peak levels. Parents all over Canada are feeling the extreme need to complete holiday shopping. For business owners all over Canada, the importance of maximizing sales has never been more important!

Make no mistake about it. If you’re a business owner looking to enjoy a hugely successful holiday season, you need to sell gift cards. “A 2017 holiday shopping survey by the National Retail Federation of almost 7,000 consumers found that gift cards topped consumer wish lists at 61 percent, while 59 percent were planning to give gift cards,” reports Agnes Teh Stubbs on

Last minute shoppers love gift cards.

Let’s face it. There isn’t much time left for shoppers to find the perfect holidays gifts for their loved ones. One of the top reasons gift cards are so beloved is because they make last minute gift shopping easy. Naturally, recipients can buy whatever they like with gift cards. Thanks to these convenient gifts, even the worst procrastinators are guaranteed to find something that their loved ones will be happy with.

“Last-minute shoppers are frantic to find gifts,” points out Rieva Lesonsky on, “Ease their worries by providing a simplified selection they can run in, pay for and rush out the door with. For instance, your store could display gift packs of bundled products for different types of recipients, such as White Elephant gifts, teacher gifts or gifts for Mom. You can even pre-gift wrap presents for ultimate convenience.”

Gift cards should be highly visible all throughout your store.

There’s no rule that says that your gift cards may only be located in one section of your store. Create numerous displays throughout your shop, including, of course, the checkout counter. “Make it easy for customers to find your gift cards in store,” insists Stubbs, “It could be something as simple as putting up signs that say ‘Ask about our gift card promo’ or ‘Give the perfect gift card,’ either at your checkout counter or around high-traffic areas of your store.”

Sell electronic gift cards.

Of course, your brick-and-mortar store isn’t the only place where your gift cards should be sold. Your online store is a great place to highlight these highly sought-after gifts. Stubbs points out that shoppers often look for ways to send instant gifts electronically.

“As busy customers increasingly look for ways to send instant gifts electronically, offering e-gift cards has become a prerequisite for any retailer that wants a slice of that growing pie,” she writes, “With e-gift cards, customers don’t even have to come into your store to buy your card; they can simply go to your website and make a purchase. Your job is to make it easy for them.”

At Divvia, we proudly offer Canadian business owners the ability to take advantage of electronic gift cards. They are known to encourage repeat business, attract new customers and boost sales all year long. Our electronic gift card solution maximizes stored value card sales with a complete package of marketing features. For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page.

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