How To Ensure Your Little Trick-Or-Treaters Enjoy A Safe Halloween

Halloween arrives on Tuesday! On behalf of the entire Divvia team, we would like to wish everyone a very happy and safe Halloween. With today’s blog, we’d like to put a little extra emphasis on that “safe” part. Naturally, Halloween night is a very fun and exciting time that includes the donning of spooky costumes and the collection of candy while trick-or-treating.

Of course, this is done when the sun is down, so it only makes sense to make sure the little ones are kept safe. What steps should you take to ensure your little trick-or-treaters enjoy a safe Halloween?

Gather a group for trick or treating.

Contact the parents of your child’s friends and see if you can put together a trick or treating group. Travelling as a pack will not only provide the kids with a more fun experience, it will serve as a safety measure as well. Even if your children are old enough to be able to go door to door without adult supervision, it’s certainly best to have them go with friends.

Joelene Huber of Today’s Parent recommends some ground rules for independent trick or treaters. “Older kids should travel together, stick to a route they’ve cleared with their parents, check in by phone regularly, and have a set curfew to return home,” she advises.

Ensure the safety of your child’s costume.

Keep in mind that many jack-o-lanterns contain lit candles. You’ll want to stay away from flammable materials when putting together the costumes for your little ones. Furthermore, it’s best to go the makeup route instead of masks. As Caring For Kids (the website that provides information for parents from Canada’s paediatricians) notes, masks make it hard for children to see what’s around them, including cars.

“Try a hypoallergenic (less likely to cause an allergic reaction), non-toxic make-up kit instead,” they suggest on their site. They also point out that “costumes should fit properly to prevent trips and falls. Avoid items such as oversized shoes, high heels, long dresses and long capes.”

Follow the rules of the road.

Look both ways before you cross the street! Now, how many times have you been given that piece of advice in your life? On Halloween night, it’s especially important to follow that rule. “Set a good example and only cross the street at established crosswalks,” stresses Huber, “If you are driving in residential areas, take it slow.”

Inspect all candy before a single bite is taken.

Once the trick or treating festivities have been completed, it’s inspection time. Be sure to let your children know they are not to eat any of the candy they’ve collected until you’ve gone through it first. You want to make sure that nothing dangerous is in their bags. That includes potentially hazardous materials, unwrapped candy or products you simply don’t wish your kids to eat.

“Before you let your kids dive in, dump the entire candy bag out and inspect it all,” instructs Huber, “Throw out any packages that look like they’ve been opened and any homemade or repackaged goods.”

Happy Halloween everyone!

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