How To Grow Your Online Sales Long After Cyber Monday Is Over

With today being Cyber Monday, e-retailers everywhere are surely enjoying significant spikes in sales. Of course, the holiday shopping season still has about another month to go. It only makes sense to continue promoting your online store in order to maximize sales throughout the holiday shopping season. So what steps should be taken to grow your online sales long after Cyber Monday is over?

Offer a variety of options for pick-up.

For many consumers, ordering products online may not be considered the right choice. This is due to the fear that ordered items may not arrive by a desired time. You can quell this fear by offering your online shoppers various times they can pick up their purchases in-store. According to, Shopify reports that in-store pick-ups appeal to 59% of shoppers. 

“If you have a physical location, take advantage of this by offering customers the option to pick up their orders instead of waiting for them to arrive by mail,” encourages the site, “Offering a variety of pick-up options for your customers provides them with a safe and convenient way to shop…You can allow them to choose between curbside, in-store, or contactless pick-up. And if you want to be extra safe, you can set up a drive-thru pick-up system.”

Request reviews from your happy customers.

Hopefully, you’ve been spending the past few weeks making great impressions on your company’s supporters. If you’ve been delivering packages quickly, providing great customer service and offering competitive prices, you’re bound to have some happy customers. Reach out to them to see if they’d be willing to share a few kind words about their experiences. Customer reviews go a long way in encouraging other consumers to entrust businesses.

“By encouraging your customers to give good ratings and reviews, you’re continuing engagement as well as assuring your customers of quality products and services,” says, “Message them personally, send an email blast, or even run quick ads for a survey on why they bought the product or better yet, why they didn’t push through with the purchase (cart abandonment).”

Ensure a mobile-friendly experience.

Is your online store mobile-friendly? It cannot be stressed enough how important it is to ensure that your site is easily accessible on mobile devices. Most people go online shopping on their smartphones. If your store is easy to navigate on such small screens, it will attract more shoppers and convert more sales.

“Because smartphones are convenient for shopping, an increasing number of people use them to shop for the holidays, so having a mobile-friendly website is essential for your e-commerce business,” says, “Use a responsive design that adjusts the page layout to fit the screen size of the device used by the customer, or create a separate mobile website. Use a plugin or app. There are plugins and apps you can use to make your website mobile-friendly.”

Is your company website equipped to handle the holiday shopping rush?

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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