How Wireless Devices Have Made Our Lives So Much Easier

If you don’t own a wireless device of some kind, it would be incredibly shocking. We’re practically living in a wireless world, aren’t we? Who doesn’t own a smartphone or a tablet or a laptop computer that doesn’t require any plugs in order to operate?

Going wireless has certainly made life easier, hasn’t it? We’re no longer bound by location when it comes to surfing the internet. Each and every day, we have the ability to go online, using our smartphones, no matter where we are. Whether through the use of our data plans or Wi-Fi connections, our wireless handheld devices allow us to do pretty much anything these days.

Wireless devices give you access to immediate information.

Remember the days when we’d have to travel to the library in order to research a subject of interest? Although we still advocate trips to the library, today, information is at our fingertips, 24/7. The second you wish to learn about a person, place or thing, you can simply take out your mobile device, type the subject into a Google search bar and knowledge is gained within seconds.

“One of the most convenient and productive things you can do online is self-learning,” asserts Green Light Wireless, “From accessing a wide variety of courses on Coursera to personalized language learning on Pittsburgh-based Duolingo, and from free computer programming lessons on Codeacademy to expanding your vocabulary on, there are multiple ways to learn.”

You can even charge your wireless devices without a power cord.

To be completely honest, wireless devices aren’t completely without wires. After all, we all need to plug our wireless devices into electrical sockets in order to recharge their batteries, right? Well, not necessarily. On, David Ferris explains that new technology will soon allow us all to power up without the need for any power cords.

“The model that’s shaping up is one of wireless hubs that are extremely local,” he informs, “A power transmitter would be installed underneath a surface at which people spend long stretches of time, such as a coffee table, conference table, nightstand, or a car’s trinket tray…The hub will be able to charge multiple devices simultaneously. Over time, as the technology improves, so may range and power.”

Wireless terminals make accepting payments easier than ever!

If you’re still using a POS terminal that requires a plug and a socket, you’re missing out on many benefits. Wireless payment solutions don’t inhibit you from accepting payments in locations outside of the four walls of your place of business. You can accept payments anywhere and at any time with the Point Smart Terminal! It requires no dongles or extensions – only a connection through either 3G or Wi-Fi or both!

“Accept payments using the world’s first, most advanced smart terminal,” encourages Poynt, “With dual touchscreens and 8 hour battery life, the GoDaddy Poynt Smart Terminal is every bit as powerful whether on your countertop or on the move.”

At Divvia, we offer a wide variety of top-of-the-line payment terminals to help your company easily process credit card and debit card transactions. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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