Performing Good Deeds Is Your Best Mode Of Advertising

How important is it to you to perform good deeds? You’re likely to agree that word of mouth promotion is the best type of advertising your company can get. So, it can be argued that the more good deeds you perform, the more likely people will talk about you in favourable ways.

It’s important to go above and beyond the call of duty to truly have your brand stand out from its competitors. If you’re looking for long-term loyalty from your customers (and which business owner isn’t?), it’s wise for you to begin considering ways to display your kind and selfless nature. Performing good deeds, as the title of this week’s blog states, is your best mode of advertising.

Work to surpass expectations.

Here’s a scenario. Your customer’s order won’t arrive until Friday, but he’s stated that he needs it by Thursday. What can you do to ensure that his needs are met? Put in a little extra effort in expediting packages even if it means eating some of the costs. Your efforts in ensuring your customers’ satisfaction will go a long way in both securing his loyalty and having him tell others about your business.

“While it’s great for your support team to be able to meet the initial needs of your customers, surpassing their expectations is a great way for your company to stand out and create a more memorable experience,” says Clint Fontanella on, “Customers who are surprised with unexpected moments of delight from your company are more likely to be loyal to your brand over time.”

Break your own rules to make customers happy.

The absolute best deeds you can perform for your customers are the ones that other business owners will not. They don’t have to take much of your time or effort either. How about calling your customers back after business hours? What about keeping the doors of your store open for a few more minutes so that a customer who arrives at closing can still get her hands on what she came for?

“Emergency orders and last-minute changes should be accommodated when possible, especially for important occasions such as weddings or a big trade show,” advises, “Customers remember these events…and they will remember your flexibility and prompt response to their needs, too.”

Publicly declare your adoration for your customers.

Don’t be shy. Tell your customers how much you love them. And be sure to let the world know about it! Today, with the help of social media, we have the ability to reach out to more people through a singular message then we ever have before. Be sure to utilize your social media accounts to thank your customers.

“If you’re doing outstanding work for your customers, it’s important that you let the world know how much you care about them,” writes Fontanella, “Customers trust the stories of other people like them more than your marketing content or sales reps, so if you know you’re creating wonderful customer experiences, share those stories with your target audience.”

At Divvia, we do our best to perform good deeds for our customers. Find out for yourself! Call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page. Ask us about our one-stop cash register that can help you get more done with much less!

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