Why It’s Wise To Warm Up To A Wireless World

Wireless technology has helped us to do away with many of yesteryear’s necessities. Phone booths are a great example. When was the last time you used one? When was the last time you even saw one? By today’s standards, a phone booth is an archaic relic, good only for teaching the younger generation about how things used to be. Cell phones (smartphones now!) have made phone booths obsolete.

This fact begs the following question. Are you taking advantage of wireless technology at your business? There are many wireless devices that have replaced their plugged-into-the-wall predecessors. By using them, you’re helping your business get a leg up on its competitors.

Wireless technology allows you to take your business on the road.

Remember when you had to sit at your computer, which was at your desk, which was in your office, in order to do your work? Those days are gone. Wireless devices such as laptop computers and tablets let you take your work on the road with you. In most cases, Wi-Fi will provide you with the internet access you need to conduct your work from just about any location you wish.

“Office-based wireless workers can be networked without sitting at dedicated computers, and can continue to do productive work while away from the office,” informs IT Outcomes, “This can lead to new styles of working, such as home working or direct access to corporate data while on customer sites.”

Wireless technology enables you to provide better customer service.

When is the last time a customer had to leave a voicemail for you because you were out of the office during business hours? If your answer is anywhere in the vicinity of “recently”, it’s definitely the right time to update the technology you’re using. VoIP-based telephone systems enable you to take your business phone on the road with you. Naturally, this allows you to be much more accessible than you once were when you were stuck using your desk phone only.

 “Wireless technology allows companies to connect with customers from anywhere, anytime,” writes Nastassia Haux of Techsense, “This helps companies maintain a high level of customer satisfaction by providing a more responsive and reliable service. This also enables companies to offer more personalized and customized experiences, which are key for retaining customers.”

Wireless technology helps you to stay on top of your business affairs.

Once upon a time, business owners needed to wait until the end of the business day to check what they had made in sales for the day. Today, wireless technology (see the Poynt Smart Terminal) enables them to keep tabs on their sales in real time.

As IT Outcomes notes, “improved data communications lead to faster transfer of information within businesses and between partners and customers. For example, sales people can remotely check stock levels and prices whilst on sales calls.”

The Poynt Smart Terminal is a wireless wonder!

From just about anywhere that you have an internet connection, the completely wireless Poynt Smart Terminal accepts all payments types. It comes with a suite of business management tools that allow you to keep track of all your orders, reports and inventory in one place. To learn more about all of our top-of-the-line payment terminals, please don’t hesitate to call Divvia at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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