Ramping Up Your Online Store To Boost Your Fall Sales

Last week, we posted a blog that detailed some creative ways to turn your online store into a go-to destination this fall. They included offering free shipping options, incorporating holiday-themed graphics and cross selling your products. With the fall season now officially underway, we thought we’d revisit this theme by highlighting some effective ways to ramp up your online store to boost sales throughout the fall.

Begin advertising your holiday specials right away.

Fall has only just started. We know that the holiday season hasn’t begun yet. However, for online shoppers, now is the time to begin holiday shopping. Showcase to your site’s visitors that it is a go-to destination for holiday gifts. An immediate display of festive imagery is a guaranteed method of successfully communicating that message. Begin advertising your Thanksgiving, Halloween, Christmas and Hanukkah specials now!

“With a special landing page for festive offers, it’s your chance to introduce all holiday-hot-sales items with good deals, and delight customers,” writes Alice on Beeketing.com, “This way, you additionally pick up SEO benefits when people search for hot-trend keywords these days: holiday, sales, deals, offers, discount, coupon, etc.”

Offer limited time coupons or discounts.

Remember that the quickly-approaching holiday shopping season is a time of year when most consumers are at their savviest. Looking for discounts and deals is as much a part of the holiday season as egg nog, snowmen and ugly sweaters. Offer up limited time coupons and discounts that your online shoppers can only make use of when they visit your online store.

“Urgency is a powerful psychological marketing tactic for e-commerce stores as it accelerates a customer’s purchase decision and reduces the chance that they will leave your site without buying,” advises Will Blunt on Shortstack.com, “An effective way to elicit urgency is by offering coupons or discounts which are only available for a limited time.”

Film a fun and exciting holiday video.

In today’s world, there are few advertising initiatives that gain greater attention than videos. The explosion of success enjoyed by such websites and apps as YouTube, TikTok and Instagram are proof of that. Film a fun and friendly holiday video and proudly display it on your social media accounts. The interest it gains will help drive traffic to your website.

“Video is now the new trend for content marketing, which can bring you massive results thanks to organic reach or viral effect if it’s catchy enough,” writes Alice, “Create a themed video about your business – better if it’s holiday focused, but totally fine if it’s not (then you can use the video all year round). Share it using your social media channels, post it on your ‘About’ page, use it in your signature, and show your customers how fun and trustable your business is.”

Is your business all set up with an attention-grabbing online store?

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884. You can also send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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