Setting Up Your Online Store For The Back To School Season

Next week, students all over Canada will have returned to the classrooms. That means that business owners all over Canada should be catering to back-to-school needs. It should go without saying that the majority of young people love surfing the internet for many reasons. They include doing online shopping!

What can you do to appeal to young online shoppers who are back in school?

Improve the mobile purchasing experience.

Not only do young people like to shop online, but they enjoy doing so on their smartphones. It’s wise, of course, to always update your online store with new images, information about sales and discounts. However, in each of your updates, it’s a good idea to improve your e-commerce site’s mobile-friendliness. The majority of your visitors are likely mobile device users. Ensure that your site is easy to navigate on mobile devices.

“As an increasing number of consumers shop and conduct research on mobile devices, it is imperative that your mobile shopping experience is seamless,” insists Gizem Tas of Digital Agency Network, “Another reason to take mobile-responsive design seriously is that Google will overlook your website if it is not mobile-friendly, which will – no doubt impact – your SEO.”

Send out cart abandonment emails.

While it’s important to find ways to get people to visit your online store, it’s even more important to encourage them to complete their purchases. Not everyone follows through on their online shopping excursions. They often leave items in their carts without going through with completing their orders. What happened? Did the shipping costs turn them away? Did they find better deals elsewhere? Send an email reminder to such shoppers to get them to pay for their purchases.

“If your customers have visited your site before but didn’t convert their cart to a purchase, don’t worry, you can still win them back,” encourages, “By sending an email reminder, you can convert some of these school shoppers into customers. Sometimes potential shoppers need a little nudge, and a strategic email may be all that’s needed to get more items sold.”

Implement a live chat feature.

In your brick and mortar store, it’s vital your employees offer excellent customer service, right? The same thing goes for your online store. How can your team provide customers with service? A live chat is an artificial intelligence-based feature that can answer questions and provide pertinent information to your online shop’s visitors. Implement one on your site so that shoppers will always get the answers they need.

“A powerful component of an e-commerce digital marketing strategy is live chat,” informs Tas, “It lets visitors and customers initiate direct dialogues with you and receive the requested information. In addition, it enables you to mitigate any potential issues or objections that may surface when prospective clients are in the checkout phase.”

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards – Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, American Express – from your website. To learn all about it, call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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