Unwrapping The Benefits Of A Merchant Cash Advance During The Holidays

Every holiday season is a time of abundant cheer and bustling commerce. This is especially true for small business owners who are aiming to slay the sales game. However, the common surge in demand often requires a financial boost to keep up with inventory, marketing and other operational expenses. Enter the unsung hero known as the merchant cash advance. Also called an MCA, for short, this funding alternative offers merchants many benefits. Let’s unwrap them!

An MCA provides a speedy infusion of cash.

Getting your hands on extra working capital can seem like a daunting task. Since most business owners are used to the long and drawn out processes of applying for business loans from banks, an MCA application process can come as a surprise. With a merchant cash advance, a store owner can receive funding in as short a time as 24 hours! That way, it becomes much easier to seize opportunities such as stocking up on inventory or launching a targeted marketing campaign.

The accessibility of MCAs makes them attractive options for small business owners who may have less-than-perfect credit. Traditional loans might be out of reach for them due to stringent credit requirements. Merchant cash advances have more flexible eligibility criteria, making them viable solutions for businesses in need of financial support during the bustling holiday season.

An MCA offers a stress-free repayment plan.

Unlike traditional loans with fixed monthly payments, MCAs offer more adaptable repayment structures. Instead of a fixed monthly payment, the repayment is based on a percentage of daily credit card sales. Consider the unpredictability of holiday sales. While the holiday season promises increased foot traffic and sales, it’s not always easy to predict exact revenue. An MCA aligns with this uncertainty by being tied to sales.

During peak seasons, when sales are high, the repayment amounts are greater. However, during slower seasons, when sales might dip, the repayments are lower. This significantly eases the burden on a small business owner’s cash flow. There is no need to worry about fixed payments during slower months. Advances are paid back in proportion to a store’s success rates.

An MCA greatly helps with marketing efforts.

A merchant cash advance can be a lifeline for businesses looking to invest in marketing strategies to attract customers. Are you revamping a website, launching social media campaigns or offering enticing discounts? Having access to additional funds via an MCA can give your business the edge it needs to shine during the festive shopping spree.

Let’s not forget the importance of inventory management. The holiday season demands a well-stocked inventory. Securing additional funds through an MCA can ensure that your business has enough products to meet increased demand. This can prevent missed sales opportunities due to inventory shortages and keep customers satisfied with the availability of their desired items.

Apply for a merchant cash advance today!

Divvia is happy to offer you the funds your business needs in less than 24 hours! To apply for a merchant cash advance, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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