What Are The Benefits Of Working From Home During The Fall?

With September now here and the new school year officially underway, there is an inevitable change taking place this month. On the 23rd, the warm and sunny summer will officially give way to the fall. Don’t shoot the messenger! For Canadians who are feeling the blues due the end of the summer season, it’s important to remember there is much to enjoy about the fall. Working from home is one of them.

It does away with daily commutes.

Perhaps the best thing about working from home in the fall is the avoidance of having to go out in the cold. Cooler temperatures will soon arrive and they will only get colder in the months to come. Staying warm is certainly a benefit to working from home. However, keeping out of rush hour traffic is arguably a top perk of remote work life.

“Depending on how far away you live from your company’s building, you can save both travel expenses and travel time,” points out Indeed.com, “Instead of commuting, you can use this time to help you focus on your other priorities like having more time for work or your family. Not having to commute also means you can avoid traffic and the general stress caused by commuting.”

It helps you to be more productive.

Many workers much prefer the peace and quiet that comes with their home lives in order to conduct work. While in traditional workplaces, many people get distracted by co-workers and other goings-on in their respective facilities. At home, a person can determine when and where they complete their tasks – all distraction-free.

“Many people—and their companies—were surprised to find they were more productive when working in remote settings,” notes Bill George on Fortune.com, “The absence of time wasted in commuting and travel is an obvious benefit, but they also found they were more focused when working without all the typical office distractions.”

You can work from wherever you like.

The working from home concept doesn’t actually insist upon you being at home. For most business professionals, a Wi-Fi connection is all that is necessary to conduct daily tasks. The flexibility that comes from being able to work from just about anywhere greatly assists workers in managing work/life balance.

“Working remotely means you can work from anywhere with an internet connection,” affirms Indeed.com, “Therefore, you can work from home or a cafe, or even travel while maintaining your job. For example, military spouses who have to move frequently benefit from remote work since they can do their job from any remote location without having to search for a new job with every move.”

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