How To Demonstrate That Your Brand Is Cutting Edge

Cutting edge: the latest or most advanced stage of development; innovative or pioneering.

Is your brand cutting edge or is it behind the times? The answer to that question will determine just how much your place of business is able to attract new customers. Especially since technological advances update at rapid rates, these days, it’s practically mandatory that you find new and innovative ways to outshine the other businesses in your industry.

How can you demonstrate that your brand is cutting edge?

Offer a virtual reality shopping experience.

It’s no secret that Canadians enjoy shopping online. But that’s no reason to not make your brick and mortar store as inviting as possible. Why not utilize your company website to provide its visitors with a shopping experience not unlike the one in your physical store? Have a professional web designer and photographer create a page that offers online users a virtual walk through each aisle. Think of Google Earth, but for your shop!

“Maybe this is not something that the majority of retail stores can afford, but VR is definitely making progress in the industry,” writes Becky Holton on, “Shoppers are always looking for new, more unique ways to shop. Trying on items virtually saves them time and makes the experience more fun.”

Distribute mobile coupons to shoppers.

Gone are the days when coupons were only paper-based. When customers enter your store, inform them about the mobile coupons you have available on your store’s app. Don’t have an app for your store yet? Get working on one and utilize it! Encourage visitors of your brick and   mortar store location to take advantage of the discounts it offers.

“Loyal customers are often unaware of all promos and sales a brand offers,” notes Holton, “If they have an app that informs them about special offers while they are in the store, they will be aware of the best deals. Target customers can use their app to scan a code on an endcap; then, the account code is shown at the checkout and they get their discounts.”

Go cashless!

Cash-only stores are becoming things of the past. Cashless stores, on the other hand, are things of the future! Shoppers rarely carry cash on them anymore. Although you still may wish to accept paper money, highlighting the fact that your place of business is happy to accept credit cards and debit cards is a surefire way to keep customers coming back.

“Removing frictions in the shopping experience is the best way to enhance the experience of being in your store,” explains, “According to the British Retail Consortium, contactless payments are surging across Britain. Soon, all of your customers will expect to pay with a click, wave, or tap of their smartphones. Going cashless is your best bet to stay ahead of the competition and meet the inevitable demand.”

Do you accept credit cards and debit cards at your store?

At Divvia, we offer a wide variety of top-of-the-line payment terminals to help your company easily process credit card and debit card transactions. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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