How To Make 2024 Your Best Year In Business Yet

Welcome to the final Divvia blog for 2023! On behalf of our entire team, we would like to wish you all a very happy, safe and prosperous new year. We also hope that 2024 brings greater success to your company than it has ever experienced before. If you’re familiar with our blog, you know we’re not just going to leave it at well wishes. We’re here to offer you some help in making 2024 your best year in business yet!

Step up your customer service game.

Customer service is everything. Be sure to place a strong focus on it in 2024. No matter how much people love your products, they will select your competitors if they don’t enjoy their interactions with members of your company. Consumers are known to place a lot of weight on how businesses make them feel. On, Jacqueline DeMarco stresses the importance of treating customers with respect.

“Customer service matters,” she insists, “In fact, 93% of customers reported they are more likely to become repeat customers at companies that offer excellent customer service. When it comes to customer service, people remember the really bad experiences as often as the really good ones. Identify what your biggest missteps were in (2022) and outline how you and your employees can avoid them in the future.”

Bolster your online presence.

It should go without saying that a strong online presence is integral for all businesses. No matter your industry, your target audience is made up of adept internet users. It’s vital that both your website and social media accounts are active and regularly updated. They should each provide your visitors, friends and followers with ample useful information. According to Emily Stallings of Casely, Inc. on, you should go even more virtual in 2024.

“We’re in a revolution where more and more facets of life are going online,” she writes, “So any smart, future-forward business owner should be setting themselves up for success in the online space and making it easier and easier to sell their product or service to customers. If you don’t continue to invest and diversify your online presence, then you’ll get left behind.”

Prioritize company culture.

Your customers won’t be happy if your employees aren’t happy. After all, who interacts with your customers the most? It’s vital that you find ways to make your team members feel energized and excited to come in to work every day. It will significantly improve both productivity and customer relationships. 

“Employees that feel engaged and inspired at work are 125% more productive than simply ‘satisfied’ employees,” reports DeMarco, “Having a strong company culture that makes employees feel appreciated, respected, and as if their career development matters is a great way to boost employee engagement and loyalty. Consider surveying your staff on what changes they would like to see culture-wise. Then work toward developing a company culture that reflects your business’s values and prioritizes the needs of your staff.”

Streamline the checkout process.

Attract and retain more customers with Taliup Register! It offers a seamless checkout process that is twice as fast. Say goodbye to long queues and frustrated customers. This solution offers a streamlined and intuitive checkout experience that your customers will appreciate. With Taliup Register, you can optimize your checkout process, increase customer satisfaction and loyalty, and ultimately, drive revenue growth.

For more information, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page. Happy New Year!

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