How Your Card-Friendly Ways Can Make For Bright Summer Days

The forthcoming summer is bound to be an exciting time for all Canadians. We Canucks spend enough time enduring cool temperatures throughout the year. As a result, the hot and sunny summer days are long pined for by most of us. When it comes to business owners, the summer never seems to come fast enough!

Naturally, warmer weather encourages more people to leave their homes. So retailers all across Canada benefit from higher temperatures. With that said, it’s important to never assume that good weather will automatically translate into higher sales. Business owners must put efforts into making sure their customers enjoy their experiences. One surefire way to do that is to accept credit cards. Doing so will make for bright summer days!

Credit card acceptance generates larger transaction sizes.

In case you’re still somehow unaware, most Canadian consumers don’t walk around with cash on them anymore. Those who do carry cash don’t carry a lot. If you’re interested in securing sales for your big ticket items this summer, your best bet is to accept credit cards. They remove the spending limitations from shoppers who prefer to go cashless.

“One of the most significant benefits of accepting credit cards is the potential for increased sales and revenue,” says chartered accountant, Gavin Bottrell on LinkedIn, “With the convenience of using credit cards, customers are more likely to make impulse purchases, spend more per transaction, and shop more frequently. This leads to higher overall sales, contributing to the growth of your business.”

Being plastic-friendly presents your customers with numerous added benefits.

Remember that when your business becomes plastic-friendly, you give your customers opportunities to get a whole lot more than just the products and/or services you provide them. Credit card use enables cardholders to take advantage of rewards programs that offer everything from airline tickets to hotel stays. Not to mention, credit cards offer added warranties and purchase protection coverage. For higher sales, be sure to let your customers know their cards are welcome in your store.

“One advantage of choosing credit and signing when making debit card purchases is that the card networks may offer you protections, such as zero liability for fraudulent purchases,” explains Louis DeNicola on, “If you use your debit card at a restaurant and the waiter adds an extra zero to the tip amount or swipes your card twice, the protection could help you when you are trying to get reimbursed for the unauthorized charge.”

Credit card acceptance increases your cash flow.

Your business always needs money to run its daily operations. By accepting credit cards, payments for your goods will turn into deposits into your bank account, usually within the day. If you only accept cash, your business account won’t be able to utilize any of the funds until you find the time to visit the bank.

Do you accept credit cards at your store? At Divvia, we offer a wide variety of top-of-the-line payment terminals to help your company easily process credit card and debit card transactions. To learn all about them, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884 or send us a message on our Contact Us page!

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