Is Your Brick And Mortar Store Ready For An Increase In Action?

Halloween is just over a week way! Of course, October 31st is a very special day. However, for retailers all across Canada, it can be argued that November 1st is an equally important day. To some, it’s even more important. Why, you ask? Well, it’s the unofficial beginning of the holiday shopping season! Traditionally, each year, the day after Halloween is the day that holiday decorations adorn shopping malls. It’s all in anticipation of much heavier foot traffic.

How are you preparing your brick and mortar store for your yearly holiday sales spike?

Analyze data from last year.

Which products should you order in larger quantities from your suppliers? Which items should you place in lesser-visited areas of your store? Should you create bundle packages to help move some of your slower-moving items with some of your popular wares? The answers to these questions lie in the studying of your sales numbers from the holiday shopping season last year.

To gain a solid foundation for your holiday preparations, it is necessary to analyze your store’s data from last year to see how that season played out. If available, it may even be wise for you to get an overview of the past two years’ worth of revenue and traffic information. This will help you to pin down some important trends.

Revamp your website’s design.

Add holiday imagery to your website. It will be a surefire sign to all visitors that your company is ready to meet their holiday needs – both online and offline. Web design has a huge influence on buying trends on both company websites and brick and mortar stores.

“We’re not suggesting you need to do a full website redesign,” says Nikolett Lorincz on, “You can tailor your website for the holiday calendar with just a few small changes. For example, you could change your hero banners to new ones that promote your Black Friday or Christmas sales. Changing some elements on your website can really increase your visitors’ interest and willingness to keep shopping and stay in the ‘holiday spirit’.”

Get ready for Black Friday and Cyber Monday.

As is the case each and every year, Black Friday and Cyber Monday are two of the busiest days on the holiday shopping season calendar. This year, those crazy days fall on Friday, November 24th and Monday, November 27th respectively. It is vital that you prepare your online store for increased traffic. As well, set up your store to ensure that no customers leave unhappy when the big day arrives. Be prepared, as well, to not leave last minute shoppers out in the cold.

“Make it easy for the last-minute shoppers who swoop in when almost everything is done,” recommends Grayson Gilcrease on, “Create or curate content around last-minute gift ideas or guides to get every bit of potential value out of the last swing of the holiday season for your business.”

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