What Makes Your E-Commerce Site A Holiday Shopping Delight?

‘Tis the season to shop online! Now, more than ever, the internet is a hotbed for shopping. This is nothing new. As we approach the year 2024, it’s important to remember that people are using the internet to make purchases more than ever before. As always, the holiday shopping season is one when online sales hit all-time highs.

Naturally, there’s a lot of competition out there. Unlike mall visitors, online shoppers have the ability to jump from one store to the next and then to another within seconds. Making sure your website’s visitors jump in, but don’t jump out so quickly will take some work.

So how can you make your e-commerce site a holiday shopping delight?

Provide incentives to those who’ve abandoned their carts in the past.

Ooooh, you came so close! Don’t feel bad if you’ve noticed that your online store’s customers are filling up their carts, but leaving them at the checkout. It shows that there was interest in purchasing your products, but something made them change their minds at the last minute. Find out what changed their minds! Send friendly emails that include incentives to encourage them to return to their carts or purchase new items.

“Write this one down,” insists Ecommerce Platforms, “People who have shown interest in products in the past are far more likely to shop from you than people who have never been to your store. Stop pouring all your resources into bringing in new people and focus on those ones who have abandoned their carts.”

Make sure it’s mobile-friendly.

This can’t be stressed enough. If the word “internet” automatically conjures up images of a computer in your mind, it’s time to retool your thinking. We live in a wireless world. People surf the net on their mobile devices all the time. Those devices include smartphones, tablets and laptops. It’s imperative that your company website is mobile-friendly as countless purchases will be made on mobile devices in the coming weeks.

“Many websites fail to recognize the importance of mobile and fail to optimize their site accordingly,” notes SocialToaster.com, “A positive user-experience means having a straightforward site that is easy to use and navigate and that also looks as good on a smartphone as it does on a tablet. If you’re not sure if your site is mobile ready, go ahead and pull out your phone right now and do a quick overview.”

Host a holiday photo contest.

There are few advertising strategies better than contests to invoke consumer interest. The holiday season is arguably the best time of year to excite people about your brand. Host a holiday photo contest by asking your friends and followers to submit their most festive photos. Pick a weekly winner to encourage continued engagement. The more visitors to your website and social media pages, the more chances you have to process sales.

“One of the more effective plans for social media is when you implement some sort of contest,” informs Ecommerce Platforms, “If you have some loyal followers on social media, you’ll find that they enjoy sending in their own content or taking pictures of themselves using products.”

Is your online store catering to the needs of holiday shoppers?

At Divvia, we offer a secure e-commerce solution that enables you to easily and securely accept and process all credit cards from your website. To learn all about it, please don’t hesitate to call us at 1-877-748-2884. You can also send us a message on our Contact Us page!